Motion Planning Environment
No Matches
tesseract_urdf Namespace Reference


std::shared_ptr< tesseract_geometry::BoxparseBox (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *xml_element, int version)
 Parse a xml box element. More...
tinyxml2::XMLElement * writeBox (const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_geometry::Box > &box, tinyxml2::XMLDocument &doc)
std::shared_ptr< tesseract_scene_graph::JointCalibrationparseCalibration (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *xml_element, int version)
 Parse a xml calibration element. More...
tinyxml2::XMLElement * writeCalibration (const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_scene_graph::JointCalibration > &calibration, tinyxml2::XMLDocument &doc)
std::shared_ptr< tesseract_geometry::CapsuleparseCapsule (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *xml_element, int version)
 Parse a xml capsule element. More...
tinyxml2::XMLElement * writeCapsule (const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_geometry::Capsule > &capsule, tinyxml2::XMLDocument &doc)
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< tesseract_scene_graph::Collision > > parseCollision (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *xml_element, const tesseract_common::ResourceLocator &locator, int version)
 Parse xml element collision. More...
tinyxml2::XMLElement * writeCollision (const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_scene_graph::Collision > &collision, tinyxml2::XMLDocument &doc, const std::string &package_path, const std::string &link_name, int id)
 writeCollision Write collision object to URDF XML More...
std::shared_ptr< tesseract_geometry::ConeparseCone (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *xml_element, int version)
 Parse a xml cone element. More...
tinyxml2::XMLElement * writeCone (const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_geometry::Cone > &cone, tinyxml2::XMLDocument &doc)
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< tesseract_geometry::ConvexMesh > > parseConvexMesh (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *xml_element, const tesseract_common::ResourceLocator &locator, bool visual, int version)
 Parse xml element convex_mesh. More...
tinyxml2::XMLElement * writeConvexMesh (const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_geometry::ConvexMesh > &mesh, tinyxml2::XMLDocument &doc, const std::string &package_path, const std::string &filename)
 writeConvexMesh Write convex mesh to URDF XML. This is non-standard URDF / tesseract-exclusive More...
std::shared_ptr< tesseract_geometry::CylinderparseCylinder (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *xml_element, int version)
 Parse a xml cylinder element. More...
tinyxml2::XMLElement * writeCylinder (const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_geometry::Cylinder > &cylinder, tinyxml2::XMLDocument &doc)
std::shared_ptr< tesseract_scene_graph::JointDynamicsparseDynamics (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *xml_element, int version)
 Parse a xml dynamics element. More...
tinyxml2::XMLElement * writeDynamics (const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_scene_graph::JointDynamics > &dynamics, tinyxml2::XMLDocument &doc)
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< tesseract_geometry::Geometry > > parseGeometry (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *xml_element, const tesseract_common::ResourceLocator &locator, bool visual, int version)
 Parse xml element geometry. More...
tinyxml2::XMLElement * writeGeometry (const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_geometry::Geometry > &geometry, tinyxml2::XMLDocument &doc, const std::string &package_path, const std::string &filename)
 writeGeometry Write geometry to URDF XML More...
std::shared_ptr< tesseract_scene_graph::InertialparseInertial (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *xml_element, int version)
 Parse xml element inertial. More...
tinyxml2::XMLElement * writeInertial (const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_scene_graph::Inertial > &inertial, tinyxml2::XMLDocument &doc)
std::shared_ptr< tesseract_scene_graph::JointparseJoint (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *xml_element, int version)
 Parse xml element joint. More...
tinyxml2::XMLElement * writeJoint (const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_scene_graph::Joint > &joint, tinyxml2::XMLDocument &doc)
std::shared_ptr< tesseract_scene_graph::JointLimitsparseLimits (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *xml_element, int version)
 Parse xml element limits. More...
tinyxml2::XMLElement * writeLimits (const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_scene_graph::JointLimits > &limits, tinyxml2::XMLDocument &doc)
std::shared_ptr< tesseract_scene_graph::LinkparseLink (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *xml_element, const tesseract_common::ResourceLocator &locator, std::unordered_map< std::string, std::shared_ptr< tesseract_scene_graph::Material > > &available_materials, int version)
 Parse xml element link. More...
tinyxml2::XMLElement * writeLink (const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_scene_graph::Link > &link, tinyxml2::XMLDocument &doc, const std::string &package_path)
 writeLink Write a link to URDF XML More...
std::shared_ptr< tesseract_scene_graph::MaterialparseMaterial (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *xml_element, std::unordered_map< std::string, std::shared_ptr< tesseract_scene_graph::Material > > &available_materials, bool allow_anonymous, int version)
 Parse xml element material. More...
tinyxml2::XMLElement * writeMaterial (const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_scene_graph::Material > &material, tinyxml2::XMLDocument &doc)
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< tesseract_geometry::Mesh > > parseMesh (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *xml_element, const tesseract_common::ResourceLocator &locator, bool visual, int version)
 Parse xml element mesh. More...
tinyxml2::XMLElement * writeMesh (const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_geometry::Mesh > &mesh, tinyxml2::XMLDocument &doc, const std::string &package_path, const std::string &filename)
 writeMesh Write a mesh to URDF XML and PLY file More...
std::shared_ptr< tesseract_scene_graph::JointMimicparseMimic (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *xml_element, int version)
 Parse xml element mimic. More...
tinyxml2::XMLElement * writeMimic (const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_scene_graph::JointMimic > &mimic, tinyxml2::XMLDocument &doc)
std::shared_ptr< tesseract_geometry::OctreeparseOctomap (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *xml_element, const tesseract_common::ResourceLocator &locator, bool visual, int version)
 Parse xml element octomap. More...
tinyxml2::XMLElement * writeOctomap (const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_geometry::Octree > &octree, tinyxml2::XMLDocument &doc, const std::string &package_path, const std::string &filename)
 writeOctomap Write octomap to URDF XML. This is non-standard URDF / tesseract-exclusive More...
std::shared_ptr< tesseract_geometry::OctreeparseOctree (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *xml_element, const tesseract_common::ResourceLocator &locator, tesseract_geometry::Octree::SubType shape_type, bool prune, int version)
 Parse xml element octree. More...
tinyxml2::XMLElement * writeOctree (const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_geometry::Octree > &octree, tinyxml2::XMLDocument &doc, const std::string &package_path, const std::string &filename)
 writeOctree Write octree out to file, and generate appropriate xml More...
Eigen::Isometry3d parseOrigin (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *xml_element, int version)
 Parse xml element origin. More...
tinyxml2::XMLElement * writeOrigin (const Eigen::Isometry3d &origin, tinyxml2::XMLDocument &doc)
std::shared_ptr< tesseract_geometry::OctreeparsePointCloud (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *xml_element, const tesseract_common::ResourceLocator &locator, tesseract_geometry::Octree::SubType shape_type, bool prune, int version)
 Parse xml element point_cloud. More...
std::shared_ptr< tesseract_scene_graph::JointSafetyparseSafetyController (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *xml_element, int version)
 Parse xml element safety_controller. More...
tinyxml2::XMLElement * writeSafetyController (const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_scene_graph::JointSafety > &safety, tinyxml2::XMLDocument &doc)
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< tesseract_geometry::SDFMesh > > parseSDFMesh (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *xml_element, const tesseract_common::ResourceLocator &locator, bool visual, int version)
 Parse xml element sdf_mesh. More...
tinyxml2::XMLElement * writeSDFMesh (const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_geometry::SDFMesh > &sdf_mesh, tinyxml2::XMLDocument &doc, const std::string &package_path, const std::string &filename)
 writeSDFMesh Write SDF Mesh to URDF XML. This is non-standard URDF / tesseract-exclusive More...
std::shared_ptr< tesseract_geometry::SphereparseSphere (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *xml_element, int version)
 Parse a xml sphere element. More...
tinyxml2::XMLElement * writeSphere (const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_geometry::Sphere > &sphere, tinyxml2::XMLDocument &doc)
tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::UPtr parseURDFString (const std::string &urdf_xml_string, const tesseract_common::ResourceLocator &locator)
 Parse a URDF string into a Tesseract Scene Graph. More...
tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::UPtr parseURDFFile (const std::string &path, const tesseract_common::ResourceLocator &locator)
 Parse a URDF file into a Tesseract Scene Graph. More...
void writeURDFFile (const tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::ConstPtr &sg, const std::string &package_path, const std::string &urdf_name="")
std::string toString (const double &float_value, int precision=3)
std::string trailingSlash (const std::string &path)
std::string noTrailingSlash (const std::string &path)
std::string noLeadingSlash (const std::string &filename)
std::string makeURDFFilePath (const std::string &package_path, const std::string &filename)
void writeMeshToFile (const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_geometry::PolygonMesh > &mesh, const std::string &filepath)
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< tesseract_scene_graph::Visual > > parseVisual (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *xml_element, const tesseract_common::ResourceLocator &locator, std::unordered_map< std::string, std::shared_ptr< tesseract_scene_graph::Material > > &available_materials, int version)
 Parse xml element visual. More...
tinyxml2::XMLElement * writeVisual (const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_scene_graph::Visual > &visual, tinyxml2::XMLDocument &doc, const std::string &package_path, const std::string &link_name, int id)
 writeVisual Write one visual geometry object to URDF XML More...

Function Documentation

◆ makeURDFFilePath()

std::string tesseract_urdf::makeURDFFilePath ( const std::string &  package_path,
const std::string &  filename 

◆ noLeadingSlash()

std::string tesseract_urdf::noLeadingSlash ( const std::string &  filename)

◆ noTrailingSlash()

std::string tesseract_urdf::noTrailingSlash ( const std::string &  path)

◆ parseBox()

TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_PUSH TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_POP tesseract_geometry::Box::Ptr tesseract_urdf::parseBox ( const tinyxml2::XMLElement *  xml_element,
int  version 

Parse a xml box element.

xml_elementThe xml element
Tesseract Geometry Box

◆ parseCalibration()

TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_PUSH TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_POP tesseract_scene_graph::JointCalibration::Ptr tesseract_urdf::parseCalibration ( const tinyxml2::XMLElement *  xml_element,
int  version 

Parse a xml calibration element.

xml_elementThe xml element
Tesseract JointCalibration

◆ parseCapsule()

TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_PUSH TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_POP tesseract_geometry::Capsule::Ptr tesseract_urdf::parseCapsule ( const tinyxml2::XMLElement *  xml_element,
int  version 

Parse a xml capsule element.

xml_elementThe xml element
Tesseract Geometry Capsule

◆ parseCollision()

TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_PUSH TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_POP std::vector< tesseract_scene_graph::Collision::Ptr > tesseract_urdf::parseCollision ( const tinyxml2::XMLElement *  xml_element,
const tesseract_common::ResourceLocator locator,
int  version 

Parse xml element collision.

xml_elementThe xml element
locatorThe Tesseract resource locator
versionThe version number
A vector tesseract_scene_graph Collision objects

◆ parseCone()

TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_PUSH TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_POP tesseract_geometry::Cone::Ptr tesseract_urdf::parseCone ( const tinyxml2::XMLElement *  xml_element,
int  version 

Parse a xml cone element.

xml_elementThe xml element
Tesseract Geometry Cone

◆ parseConvexMesh()

TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_PUSH TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_POP std::vector< tesseract_geometry::ConvexMesh::Ptr > tesseract_urdf::parseConvexMesh ( const tinyxml2::XMLElement *  xml_element,
const tesseract_common::ResourceLocator locator,
bool  visual,
int  version 

Parse xml element convex_mesh.

xml_elementThe xml element
locatorThe Tesseract resource
visualIndicate if it visual
versionThe version number
A Tesseract Geometry ConvexMesh

◆ parseCylinder()

TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_PUSH TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_POP tesseract_geometry::Cylinder::Ptr tesseract_urdf::parseCylinder ( const tinyxml2::XMLElement *  xml_element,
int  version 

Parse a xml cylinder element.

xml_elementThe xml element
Tesseract Geometry Cylinder

◆ parseDynamics()

TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_PUSH TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_POP tesseract_scene_graph::JointDynamics::Ptr tesseract_urdf::parseDynamics ( const tinyxml2::XMLElement *  xml_element,
int  version 

Parse a xml dynamics element.

xml_elementThe xml element
Tesseract JointDynamics

◆ parseGeometry()

TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_PUSH TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_POP std::vector< tesseract_geometry::Geometry::Ptr > tesseract_urdf::parseGeometry ( const tinyxml2::XMLElement *  xml_element,
const tesseract_common::ResourceLocator locator,
bool  visual,
int  version 

Parse xml element geometry.

xml_elementThe xml element
locatorThe Tesseract resource locator
visualIndicate if visual
versionThe version number
A Tesseract Geometry

◆ parseInertial()

TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_PUSH TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_POP tesseract_scene_graph::Inertial::Ptr tesseract_urdf::parseInertial ( const tinyxml2::XMLElement *  xml_element,
int  version 

Parse xml element inertial.

xml_elementThe xml element
versionThe version number
A Tesseract Inertial

◆ parseJoint()

TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_PUSH TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_POP tesseract_scene_graph::Joint::Ptr tesseract_urdf::parseJoint ( const tinyxml2::XMLElement *  xml_element,
int  version 

Parse xml element joint.

xml_elementThe xml element
versionThe version number
A Tesseract Joint

◆ parseLimits()

TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_PUSH TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_POP tesseract_scene_graph::JointLimits::Ptr tesseract_urdf::parseLimits ( const tinyxml2::XMLElement *  xml_element,
int  version 

Parse xml element limits.

xml_elementThe xml element
versionThe version number
A Tesseract JointLimits

◆ parseLink()

std::shared_ptr< tesseract_scene_graph::Link > tesseract_urdf::parseLink ( const tinyxml2::XMLElement *  xml_element,
const tesseract_common::ResourceLocator locator,
std::unordered_map< std::string, std::shared_ptr< tesseract_scene_graph::Material > > &  available_materials,
int  version 

Parse xml element link.

xml_elementThe xml element
locatorThe Tesseract resource locator
available_materialsThe current available materials
versionThe version number
A Tesseract Link

◆ parseMaterial()

std::shared_ptr< tesseract_scene_graph::Material > tesseract_urdf::parseMaterial ( const tinyxml2::XMLElement *  xml_element,
std::unordered_map< std::string, std::shared_ptr< tesseract_scene_graph::Material > > &  available_materials,
bool  allow_anonymous,
int  version 

Parse xml element material.

xml_elementThe xml element
available_materialsThe current available materials
allow_anonymousIndicate if anonymouse materials are allowed
versionThe version number
A Tesseract Material

◆ parseMesh()

TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_PUSH TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_POP std::vector< tesseract_geometry::Mesh::Ptr > tesseract_urdf::parseMesh ( const tinyxml2::XMLElement *  xml_element,
const tesseract_common::ResourceLocator locator,
bool  visual,
int  version 

Parse xml element mesh.

xml_elementThe xml element
locatorThe Tesseract resource locator
visualIndicate if visual
versionThe version number
A vector of Tesseract Meshes

◆ parseMimic()

TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_PUSH TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_POP tesseract_scene_graph::JointMimic::Ptr tesseract_urdf::parseMimic ( const tinyxml2::XMLElement *  xml_element,
int  version 

Parse xml element mimic.

xml_elementThe xml element
versionThe version number
A Tesseract JointMimic

◆ parseOctomap()

TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_PUSH TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_POP tesseract_geometry::Octree::Ptr tesseract_urdf::parseOctomap ( const tinyxml2::XMLElement *  xml_element,
const tesseract_common::ResourceLocator locator,
bool  visual,
int  version 

Parse xml element octomap.

xml_elementThe xml element
locatorThe Tesseract resource locator
visualIndicate if visual
versionThe version number
A Tesseract Geometry Octree

◆ parseOctree()

TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_PUSH TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_POP tesseract_geometry::Octree::Ptr tesseract_urdf::parseOctree ( const tinyxml2::XMLElement *  xml_element,
const tesseract_common::ResourceLocator locator,
tesseract_geometry::Octree::SubType  shape_type,
bool  prune,
int  version 

Parse xml element octree.

xml_elementThe xml element
locatorThe Tesseract resource locator
shape_typeThe collision/visual shape type to use
pruneIndicate if the octree should be pruned
A Tesseract Geometry Octree

◆ parseOrigin()

TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_PUSH TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_POP Eigen::Isometry3d tesseract_urdf::parseOrigin ( const tinyxml2::XMLElement *  xml_element,
int  version 

Parse xml element origin.

xml_elementThe xml element
versionThe version number
A Eigen::Isometry3d

◆ parsePointCloud()

TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_PUSH TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_POP tesseract_geometry::Octree::Ptr tesseract_urdf::parsePointCloud ( const tinyxml2::XMLElement *  xml_element,
const tesseract_common::ResourceLocator locator,
tesseract_geometry::Octree::SubType  shape_type,
bool  prune,
int  version 

Parse xml element point_cloud.

xml_elementThe xml element
locatorThe Tesseract locator
shape_typeThe collision/visual geometry to use
pruneIndicate if the octree should be pruned
versionThe version number
A Tesseract Geometry Octree

◆ parseSafetyController()

TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_PUSH TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_POP tesseract_scene_graph::JointSafety::Ptr tesseract_urdf::parseSafetyController ( const tinyxml2::XMLElement *  xml_element,
int  version 

Parse xml element safety_controller.

xml_elementThe xml element
versionThe version number
A Tesseract JointSafety

◆ parseSDFMesh()

TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_PUSH TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_POP std::vector< tesseract_geometry::SDFMesh::Ptr > tesseract_urdf::parseSDFMesh ( const tinyxml2::XMLElement *  xml_element,
const tesseract_common::ResourceLocator locator,
bool  visual,
int  version 

Parse xml element sdf_mesh.

xml_elementThe xml element
locatorThe Tesseract resource locator
visualIndicate if visual
versionThe version number
A vector of Tesseract SDFMeshes

◆ parseSphere()

TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_PUSH TESSERACT_COMMON_IGNORE_WARNINGS_POP tesseract_geometry::Sphere::Ptr tesseract_urdf::parseSphere ( const tinyxml2::XMLElement *  xml_element,
int  version 

Parse a xml sphere element.

xml_elementThe xml element
Tesseract Geometry Sphere

◆ parseURDFFile()

tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::UPtr tesseract_urdf::parseURDFFile ( const std::string &  path,
const tesseract_common::ResourceLocator locator 

Parse a URDF file into a Tesseract Scene Graph.

URDFfile path
Theresource locator function
std::nested_exceptionThrown if error occurs during parsing. Use printNestedException to print contents of the nested exception.
Tesseract Scene Graph, nullptr if failed to parse URDF

◆ parseURDFString()

tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::UPtr tesseract_urdf::parseURDFString ( const std::string &  urdf_xml_string,
const tesseract_common::ResourceLocator locator 

Parse a URDF string into a Tesseract Scene Graph.

urdf_xml_stringURDF xml string
locatorThe resource locator function
std::nested_exceptionThrown if error occurs during parsing. Use printNestedException to print contents of the nested exception.
Tesseract Scene Graph, nullptr if failed to parse URDF

◆ parseVisual()

std::vector< std::shared_ptr< tesseract_scene_graph::Visual > > tesseract_urdf::parseVisual ( const tinyxml2::XMLElement *  xml_element,
const tesseract_common::ResourceLocator locator,
std::unordered_map< std::string, std::shared_ptr< tesseract_scene_graph::Material > > &  available_materials,
int  version 

Parse xml element visual.

xml_elementThe xml element
locatorThe Tesseract resource locator
versionThe version number
A vector tesseract_scene_graph Visual objects

◆ toString()

std::string tesseract_urdf::toString ( const double &  float_value,
int  precision = 3 

◆ trailingSlash()

std::string tesseract_urdf::trailingSlash ( const std::string &  path)

◆ writeBox()

tinyxml2::XMLElement * tesseract_urdf::writeBox ( const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_geometry::Box > &  box,
tinyxml2::XMLDocument &  doc 

◆ writeCalibration()

tinyxml2::XMLElement * tesseract_urdf::writeCalibration ( const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_scene_graph::JointCalibration > &  calibration,
tinyxml2::XMLDocument &  doc 

◆ writeCapsule()

tinyxml2::XMLElement * tesseract_urdf::writeCapsule ( const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_geometry::Capsule > &  capsule,
tinyxml2::XMLDocument &  doc 

◆ writeCollision()

tinyxml2::XMLElement * tesseract_urdf::writeCollision ( const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_scene_graph::Collision > &  collision,
tinyxml2::XMLDocument &  doc,
const std::string &  package_path,
const std::string &  link_name,
int  id = -1 

writeCollision Write collision object to URDF XML

collisionCollision object to be written
docXML Document to which XML will belong
package_path/<path>/<to>/<your-package>. If set, geometry will be saved relative to the package. If not set, geometry will be saved with absolute paths.
link_nameName of link to which collision object is attached
idIf set, this ID will be appended to the geometry name for saving to distinguish between multiple collision geometries on the same link.
An XML element representing the collision object in URDF format.

◆ writeCone()

tinyxml2::XMLElement * tesseract_urdf::writeCone ( const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_geometry::Cone > &  cone,
tinyxml2::XMLDocument &  doc 

◆ writeConvexMesh()

tinyxml2::XMLElement * tesseract_urdf::writeConvexMesh ( const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_geometry::ConvexMesh > &  mesh,
tinyxml2::XMLDocument &  doc,
const std::string &  package_path,
const std::string &  filename 

writeConvexMesh Write convex mesh to URDF XML. This is non-standard URDF / tesseract-exclusive

meshMesh to be written
docXML document to which xml will belong
package_path/<path>/<to>/<your-package>. If set, geometry will be saved relative to the package. If not set, geometry will be saved with absolute paths.
filenameDesired file location. If package_path is set, this should be relative to the package. If not, this should be an absolute path.
XML element representing the convex mesh object in URDF format.

◆ writeCylinder()

tinyxml2::XMLElement * tesseract_urdf::writeCylinder ( const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_geometry::Cylinder > &  cylinder,
tinyxml2::XMLDocument &  doc 

◆ writeDynamics()

tinyxml2::XMLElement * tesseract_urdf::writeDynamics ( const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_scene_graph::JointDynamics > &  dynamics,
tinyxml2::XMLDocument &  doc 

◆ writeGeometry()

tinyxml2::XMLElement * tesseract_urdf::writeGeometry ( const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_geometry::Geometry > &  geometry,
tinyxml2::XMLDocument &  doc,
const std::string &  package_path,
const std::string &  filename 

writeGeometry Write geometry to URDF XML

geometryGeometry to be written
docXML Document to which xml will belong
package_path/<path>/<to>/<your-package>. If set, geometry will be saved relative to the package. If not set, geometry will be saved with absolute paths.
filenameThe desired filename. The extension will be added according to geometry type. If package_path is set, this should be relative to the package (e.g. "collision/link1_geometry"). If package_path is not set, this should be an absolute path (e.g. "/tmp/link1_geometry")
xml element representing the geometry in URDF format.

◆ writeInertial()

tinyxml2::XMLElement * tesseract_urdf::writeInertial ( const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_scene_graph::Inertial > &  inertial,
tinyxml2::XMLDocument &  doc 

◆ writeJoint()

tinyxml2::XMLElement * tesseract_urdf::writeJoint ( const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_scene_graph::Joint > &  joint,
tinyxml2::XMLDocument &  doc 

◆ writeLimits()

tinyxml2::XMLElement * tesseract_urdf::writeLimits ( const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_scene_graph::JointLimits > &  limits,
tinyxml2::XMLDocument &  doc 

◆ writeLink()

tinyxml2::XMLElement * tesseract_urdf::writeLink ( const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_scene_graph::Link > &  link,
tinyxml2::XMLDocument &  doc,
const std::string &  package_path 

writeLink Write a link to URDF XML

linkLink object to be written
docXML Document to which element will belong
package_path/<path>/<to>/<your-package>. If set, geometry will be saved relative to the package. If not set, geometry will be saved with absolute paths.
XML element representing link in URDF format

◆ writeMaterial()

tinyxml2::XMLElement * tesseract_urdf::writeMaterial ( const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_scene_graph::Material > &  material,
tinyxml2::XMLDocument &  doc 

◆ writeMesh()

tinyxml2::XMLElement * tesseract_urdf::writeMesh ( const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_geometry::Mesh > &  mesh,
tinyxml2::XMLDocument &  doc,
const std::string &  package_path,
const std::string &  filename 

writeMesh Write a mesh to URDF XML and PLY file

meshMesh to be saved out and described in XML
docXML Document to manage generated XML
package_path/<path>/<to>/<your-package>. If set, geometry will be saved relative to the package. If not set, geometry will be saved with absolute paths.
filenameDesired file location. If package_path is set, this should be relative to the package, If not, this should be an absolute path
XML element representing the mesh object in URDF format.

◆ writeMeshToFile()

void tesseract_urdf::writeMeshToFile ( const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_geometry::PolygonMesh > &  mesh,
const std::string &  filepath 

◆ writeMimic()

tinyxml2::XMLElement * tesseract_urdf::writeMimic ( const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_scene_graph::JointMimic > &  mimic,
tinyxml2::XMLDocument &  doc 

◆ writeOctomap()

tinyxml2::XMLElement * tesseract_urdf::writeOctomap ( const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_geometry::Octree > &  octree,
tinyxml2::XMLDocument &  doc,
const std::string &  package_path,
const std::string &  filename 

writeOctomap Write octomap to URDF XML. This is non-standard URDF / tesseract-exclusive

octreeOctomap to be written to XML
docXML document to manage generated xml
package_path/<path>/<to>/<your-package>. If set, geometry will be saved relative to the package. If not set, geometry will be saved with absolute paths.
filenameDesired file location. If package_path is set, this should be relative to the package. Otherwise, this should be an absolute path.
XML element representing the octomap object in URDF Format

◆ writeOctree()

tinyxml2::XMLElement * tesseract_urdf::writeOctree ( const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_geometry::Octree > &  octree,
tinyxml2::XMLDocument &  doc,
const std::string &  package_path,
const std::string &  filename 

writeOctree Write octree out to file, and generate appropriate xml

octreeThe geometry element containing octree data
docThe XML document to which to add the xml data
package_path/<path>/<to>/<your-package>. If set, geometry will be saved relative to the package. If not set, geometry will be saved with absolute paths.
filenameDesired filename relative to the working directory ("octree.ot" or "collision/octree.ot")
An XML element containing information on the saved file.

◆ writeOrigin()

tinyxml2::XMLElement * tesseract_urdf::writeOrigin ( const Eigen::Isometry3d &  origin,
tinyxml2::XMLDocument &  doc 

◆ writeSafetyController()

tinyxml2::XMLElement * tesseract_urdf::writeSafetyController ( const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_scene_graph::JointSafety > &  safety,
tinyxml2::XMLDocument &  doc 

◆ writeSDFMesh()

tinyxml2::XMLElement * tesseract_urdf::writeSDFMesh ( const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_geometry::SDFMesh > &  sdf_mesh,
tinyxml2::XMLDocument &  doc,
const std::string &  package_path,
const std::string &  filename 

writeSDFMesh Write SDF Mesh to URDF XML. This is non-standard URDF / tesseract-exclusive

sdf_meshMesh to be written
docXML Document to manage generated XML
package_path/<path>/<to>/<your-package>. If set, geometry will be saved relative to the package. If not set, geometry will be saved with absolute paths.
filenameDesired file location. If package_path is set, this should be relative to the package. Otherwise, this should be an absolute path
XML element representing the sdf mesh object in URDF format

◆ writeSphere()

tinyxml2::XMLElement * tesseract_urdf::writeSphere ( const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_geometry::Sphere > &  sphere,
tinyxml2::XMLDocument &  doc 

◆ writeURDFFile()

void tesseract_urdf::writeURDFFile ( const tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::ConstPtr sg,
const std::string &  package_path,
const std::string &  urdf_name = "" 

◆ writeVisual()

tinyxml2::XMLElement * tesseract_urdf::writeVisual ( const std::shared_ptr< const tesseract_scene_graph::Visual > &  visual,
tinyxml2::XMLDocument &  doc,
const std::string &  package_path,
const std::string &  link_name,
int  id = -1 

writeVisual Write one visual geometry object to URDF XML

visualVisual object to be written
docXML Document to which XML will belong
package_path/<path>/<to>/<your-package>. If set, geometry will be saved relative to the package. If not set, geometry will be saved with absolute paths.
link_nameName of link to which collision object is attached
idIf set, this ID will be appended to the geometry name for distinguishing between multiple geometries on the same link.
An XML element representing the collision object in URDF format.