Motion Planning Environment
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tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph Class Reference

#include <graph.h>

Inheritance diagram for tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph:
Collaboration graph


struct  adjacency_detector
struct  children_detector
struct  cycle_detector
struct  tree_detector

Public Types

using Vertex = SceneGraph::vertex_descriptor
using Edge = SceneGraph::edge_descriptor
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr< SceneGraph >
using ConstPtr = std::shared_ptr< const SceneGraph >
using UPtr = std::unique_ptr< SceneGraph >
using ConstUPtr = std::unique_ptr< const SceneGraph >

Public Member Functions

 SceneGraph (const std::string &name="")
 ~SceneGraph ()=default
 SceneGraph (const SceneGraph &other)=delete
SceneGraphoperator= (const SceneGraph &other)=delete
 SceneGraph (SceneGraph &&other) noexcept
SceneGraphoperator= (SceneGraph &&other) noexcept
SceneGraph::UPtr clone () const
 Clone the scene graph. More...
void clear ()
 Clear the scene graph. More...
void setName (const std::string &name)
 Sets the graph name. More...
const std::string & getName () const
 Sets the graph name. More...
bool setRoot (const std::string &name)
 Sets the root link name (aka. World Coordinate Frame) More...
const std::string & getRoot () const
 Gets the root link name (aka. World Coordinate Frame) More...
bool addLink (const Link &link, bool replace_allowed=false)
 Adds a link to the graph. More...
bool addLink (const Link &link, const Joint &joint)
 Adds a link/joint to the graph. More...
Link::ConstPtr getLink (const std::string &name) const
 Get a link in the graph. More...
std::vector< Link::ConstPtrgetLinks () const
 Get a vector links in the scene graph. More...
std::vector< Link::ConstPtrgetLeafLinks () const
 Get a vector leaf links in the scene graph. More...
bool removeLink (const std::string &name, bool recursive=false)
 Removes a link from the graph. More...
bool moveLink (const Joint &joint)
 Move link defined by provided joint This deletes all inbound joints on the parent link defined by the joint. More...
void setLinkVisibility (const std::string &name, bool visibility)
 Set a links visibility. More...
bool getLinkVisibility (const std::string &name) const
 Get a given links visibility setting. More...
void setLinkCollisionEnabled (const std::string &name, bool enabled)
 Set whether a link should be considered during collision checking. More...
bool getLinkCollisionEnabled (const std::string &name) const
 Get whether a link should be considered during collision checking. More...
bool addJoint (const Joint &joint)
 Adds joint to the graph. More...
Joint::ConstPtr getJoint (const std::string &name) const
 Get a joint in the graph. More...
bool removeJoint (const std::string &name, bool recursive=false)
 Removes a joint from the graph. More...
bool moveJoint (const std::string &name, const std::string &parent_link)
 Move joint to new parent link. More...
std::vector< Joint::ConstPtrgetJoints () const
 Get a vector of joints in the scene graph. More...
std::vector< Joint::ConstPtrgetActiveJoints () const
 Get a vector of active joints in the scene graph. More...
bool changeJointOrigin (const std::string &name, const Eigen::Isometry3d &new_origin)
 Changes the "origin" transform of the joint and recomputes the associated edge. More...
bool changeJointLimits (const std::string &name, const JointLimits &limits)
 Changes the limits of a joint. The JointLimits::Ptr remains the same, but the values passed in are assigned. More...
bool changeJointPositionLimits (const std::string &name, double lower, double upper)
 Changes the position limits associated with a joint. More...
bool changeJointVelocityLimits (const std::string &name, double limit)
 Changes the velocity limits associated with a joint. More...
bool changeJointAccelerationLimits (const std::string &name, double limit)
 Changes the acceleration limits associated with a joint. More...
JointLimits::ConstPtr getJointLimits (const std::string &name)
 Gets the limits of the joint specified by name. More...
void addAllowedCollision (const std::string &link_name1, const std::string &link_name2, const std::string &reason)
 Disable collision between two collision objects. More...
void removeAllowedCollision (const std::string &link_name1, const std::string &link_name2)
 Remove disabled collision pair from allowed collision matrix. More...
void removeAllowedCollision (const std::string &link_name)
 Remove disabled collision for any pair with link_name from allowed collision matrix. More...
void clearAllowedCollisions ()
 Remove all allowed collisions. More...
bool isCollisionAllowed (const std::string &link_name1, const std::string &link_name2) const
 Check if two links are allowed to be in collision. More...
tesseract_common::AllowedCollisionMatrix::ConstPtr getAllowedCollisionMatrix () const
 Get the allowed collision matrix. More...
tesseract_common::AllowedCollisionMatrix::Ptr getAllowedCollisionMatrix ()
 Get the allowed collision matrix. More...
Link::ConstPtr getSourceLink (const std::string &joint_name) const
 Get the source link (parent link) for a joint. More...
Link::ConstPtr getTargetLink (const std::string &joint_name) const
 Get the target link (child link) for a joint. More...
std::vector< Joint::ConstPtrgetInboundJoints (const std::string &link_name) const
 Get inbound joints for a link. More...
std::vector< Joint::ConstPtrgetOutboundJoints (const std::string &link_name) const
 Get outbound joints for a link. More...
bool isAcyclic () const
 Determine if the graph contains cycles. More...
bool isTree () const
 Determine if the graph is a tree. More...
bool isEmpty () const
 Check if the graph is empty. More...
std::vector< std::string > getAdjacentLinkNames (const std::string &name) const
 Get a vector of adjacent link names provided a link name. More...
std::vector< std::string > getInvAdjacentLinkNames (const std::string &name) const
 Geta a vectpr pf inverse adjacent link names provided a link name. More...
std::vector< std::string > getLinkChildrenNames (const std::string &name) const
 Get all children for a given link name. More...
std::vector< std::string > getJointChildrenNames (const std::string &name) const
 Get all children link names for a given joint name. More...
std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > getAdjacencyMap (const std::vector< std::string > &link_names) const
 Create mapping between links in the scene to the provided links if they are directly affected if the link moves. More...
std::vector< std::string > getJointChildrenNames (const std::vector< std::string > &names) const
 Get all children link names for the given joint names. More...
void saveDOT (const std::string &path) const
 Saves Graph as Graph Description Language (DOT) More...
ShortestPath getShortestPath (const std::string &root, const std::string &tip) const
 Get the shortest path between two links. More...
Vertex getVertex (const std::string &name) const
 Get the graph vertex by name. More...
Edge getEdge (const std::string &name) const
 Get the graph edge by name. More...
bool insertSceneGraph (const tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph &scene_graph, const std::string &prefix="")
 Merge a graph into the current graph. More...
bool insertSceneGraph (const tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph &scene_graph, const tesseract_scene_graph::Joint &joint, const std::string &prefix="")
 Merge a graph into the current environment. More...
bool operator== (const SceneGraph &rhs) const
bool operator!= (const SceneGraph &rhs) const

Protected Member Functions

bool addLinkHelper (const Link::Ptr &link_ptr, bool replace_allowed=false)
 Adds a link to the graph. More...
bool addJointHelper (const Joint::Ptr &joint_ptr)
 Adds joint to the graph. More...

Private Member Functions

void rebuildLinkAndJointMaps ()
 The rebuild the link and joint map by extraction information from the graph. More...
std::vector< std::string > getLinkChildrenHelper (Vertex start_vertex) const
 Get the children of a vertex starting with start_vertex. More...
template<class Archive >
void save (Archive &ar, const unsigned int version) const
template<class Archive >
void load (Archive &ar, const unsigned int version)
template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, const unsigned int version)

Private Attributes

std::unordered_map< std::string, std::pair< Link::Ptr, Vertex > > link_map_
std::unordered_map< std::string, std::pair< Joint::Ptr, Edge > > joint_map_
tesseract_common::AllowedCollisionMatrix::Ptr acm_


class boost::serialization::access

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ConstPtr

◆ ConstUPtr

◆ Edge

using tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::Edge = SceneGraph::edge_descriptor

◆ Ptr

◆ UPtr

◆ Vertex

using tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::Vertex = SceneGraph::vertex_descriptor

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SceneGraph() [1/3]

tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::SceneGraph ( const std::string &  name = "")

◆ ~SceneGraph()

tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::~SceneGraph ( )

◆ SceneGraph() [2/3]

tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::SceneGraph ( const SceneGraph other)

◆ SceneGraph() [3/3]

tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::SceneGraph ( SceneGraph &&  other)

Member Function Documentation

◆ addAllowedCollision()

void tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::addAllowedCollision ( const std::string &  link_name1,
const std::string &  link_name2,
const std::string &  reason 

Disable collision between two collision objects.

link_name1Collision object name
link_name2Collision object name
reasonThe reason for disabling collision

◆ addJoint()

bool tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::addJoint ( const Joint joint)

Adds joint to the graph.

jointThe joint to be added
Return False if parent or child link does not exists and if joint name already exists in the graph, otherwise true

◆ addJointHelper()

bool tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::addJointHelper ( const Joint::Ptr joint_ptr)

Adds joint to the graph.

joint_ptrShared pointer to the joint to be added
Return False if parent or child link does not exists and if joint name already exists in the graph, otherwise true

◆ addLink() [1/2]

bool tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::addLink ( const Link link,
bool  replace_allowed = false 

Adds a link to the graph.

The first link added to the graph is set as the root by default. Use setRoot to change the root link of the graph.

linkThe link to be added to the graph
replace_allowedIf true and the link exist it will be replaced
Return False if a link with the same name already exists and replace is not allowed, otherwise true

◆ addLink() [2/2]

bool tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::addLink ( const Link link,
const Joint joint 

Adds a link/joint to the graph.

The first link added to the graph is set as the root by default. Use setRoot to change the root link of the graph.

linkThe link to be added to the graph
jointThe associated joint to be added to the graph
Return False if a link with the same name allready exists, otherwise true

◆ addLinkHelper()

bool tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::addLinkHelper ( const Link::Ptr link_ptr,
bool  replace_allowed = false 

Adds a link to the graph.

The first link added to the graph is set as the root by default. Use setRoot to change the root link of the graph.

link_ptrShared pointer to the link to be added to the graph
replace_allowedIf true and the link exist it will be replaced
Return False if a link with the same name already exists and replace is not allowed, otherwise true

◆ changeJointAccelerationLimits()

bool tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::changeJointAccelerationLimits ( const std::string &  name,
double  limit 

Changes the acceleration limits associated with a joint.

joint_nameName of the joint to be updated
limitsNew acceleration limits to be set as the joint limits

◆ changeJointLimits()

bool tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::changeJointLimits ( const std::string &  name,
const JointLimits limits 

Changes the limits of a joint. The JointLimits::Ptr remains the same, but the values passed in are assigned.

nameName of the joint to be changed
limitsThe new limits associated with the joint
True if successful.

◆ changeJointOrigin()

bool tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::changeJointOrigin ( const std::string &  name,
const Eigen::Isometry3d &  new_origin 

Changes the "origin" transform of the joint and recomputes the associated edge.

nameName of the joint to be changed
new_originThe new transform associated with the joint
True if successful.

◆ changeJointPositionLimits()

bool tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::changeJointPositionLimits ( const std::string &  name,
double  lower,
double  upper 

Changes the position limits associated with a joint.

joint_nameName of the joint to be updated
limitsNew position limits to be set as the joint limits @returnTrue if successful.

◆ changeJointVelocityLimits()

bool tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::changeJointVelocityLimits ( const std::string &  name,
double  limit 

Changes the velocity limits associated with a joint.

joint_nameName of the joint to be updated
limitsNew velocity limits to be set as the joint limits

◆ clear()

void tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::clear ( )

Clear the scene graph.

◆ clearAllowedCollisions()

void tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::clearAllowedCollisions ( )

Remove all allowed collisions.

◆ clone()

SceneGraph::UPtr tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::clone ( ) const

Clone the scene graph.

The cloned scene graph

◆ getActiveJoints()

std::vector< Joint::ConstPtr > tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::getActiveJoints ( ) const

Get a vector of active joints in the scene graph.

A vector of active joints

◆ getAdjacencyMap()

std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::getAdjacencyMap ( const std::vector< std::string > &  link_names) const

Create mapping between links in the scene to the provided links if they are directly affected if the link moves.

link_namesThe links to map other links to
A map of affected links to on of the provided link names.

◆ getAdjacentLinkNames()

std::vector< std::string > tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::getAdjacentLinkNames ( const std::string &  name) const

Get a vector of adjacent link names provided a link name.

nameName of link
A vector of adjacent link names

◆ getAllowedCollisionMatrix() [1/2]

tesseract_common::AllowedCollisionMatrix::Ptr tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::getAllowedCollisionMatrix ( )

Get the allowed collision matrix.


◆ getAllowedCollisionMatrix() [2/2]

tesseract_common::AllowedCollisionMatrix::ConstPtr tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::getAllowedCollisionMatrix ( ) const

Get the allowed collision matrix.


◆ getEdge()

SceneGraph::Edge tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::getEdge ( const std::string &  name) const

Get the graph edge by name.

nameThe edge/joint name
Graph Edge

◆ getInboundJoints()

std::vector< Joint::ConstPtr > tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::getInboundJoints ( const std::string &  link_name) const

Get inbound joints for a link.

The inbound joints are all joints that have the link identified as the child link

link_nameThe name of the link
Vector of joints

◆ getInvAdjacentLinkNames()

std::vector< std::string > tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::getInvAdjacentLinkNames ( const std::string &  name) const

Geta a vectpr pf inverse adjacent link names provided a link name.


◆ getJoint()

Joint::ConstPtr tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::getJoint ( const std::string &  name) const

Get a joint in the graph.

nameThe name of the joint
Return nullptr if joint name does not exists, otherwise a pointer to the joint

◆ getJointChildrenNames() [1/2]

std::vector< std::string > tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::getJointChildrenNames ( const std::string &  name) const

Get all children link names for a given joint name.

nameName of joint
A vector of child link names

◆ getJointChildrenNames() [2/2]

std::vector< std::string > tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::getJointChildrenNames ( const std::vector< std::string > &  names) const

Get all children link names for the given joint names.

Need to create custom visitor so already process joint_names do not get processed again.
namesName of joints
A vector of child link names

◆ getJointLimits()

JointLimits::ConstPtr tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::getJointLimits ( const std::string &  name)

Gets the limits of the joint specified by name.

nameName of the joint which limits will be retrieved
Limits of the joint. Returns nullptr is joint is not found.

◆ getJoints()

std::vector< Joint::ConstPtr > tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::getJoints ( ) const

Get a vector of joints in the scene graph.

A vector of joints

◆ getLeafLinks()

std::vector< Link::ConstPtr > tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::getLeafLinks ( ) const

Get a vector leaf links in the scene graph.

A vector of links

◆ getLink()

Link::ConstPtr tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::getLink ( const std::string &  name) const

Get a link in the graph.

nameThe name of the link
Return nullptr if link name does not exists, otherwise a pointer to the link

◆ getLinkChildrenHelper()

std::vector< std::string > tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::getLinkChildrenHelper ( Vertex  start_vertex) const

Get the children of a vertex starting with start_vertex.

Note: This list will include the start vertex

start_vertexThe vertex to find childeren for.
A list of child link names including the start vertex

◆ getLinkChildrenNames()

std::vector< std::string > tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::getLinkChildrenNames ( const std::string &  name) const

Get all children for a given link name.

nameName of Link
A vector of child link names

◆ getLinkCollisionEnabled()

bool tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::getLinkCollisionEnabled ( const std::string &  name) const

Get whether a link should be considered during collision checking.

True if should be considered during collision checking, otherwise false

◆ getLinks()

std::vector< Link::ConstPtr > tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::getLinks ( ) const

Get a vector links in the scene graph.

A vector of links

◆ getLinkVisibility()

bool tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::getLinkVisibility ( const std::string &  name) const

Get a given links visibility setting.

True if should be visible, otherwise false

◆ getName()

const std::string & tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::getName ( ) const

Sets the graph name.

nameThe name of the graph

◆ getOutboundJoints()

std::vector< Joint::ConstPtr > tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::getOutboundJoints ( const std::string &  link_name) const

Get outbound joints for a link.

The outbound joints are all joins that have the link identified as the parent link

link_nameThe name of the link
Vector of joints

◆ getRoot()

const std::string & tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::getRoot ( ) const

Gets the root link name (aka. World Coordinate Frame)

The root link name

◆ getShortestPath()

ShortestPath tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::getShortestPath ( const std::string &  root,
const std::string &  tip 
) const

Get the shortest path between two links.

rootThe base link
tipThe tip link
The shortest path between the two links

◆ getSourceLink()

Link::ConstPtr tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::getSourceLink ( const std::string &  joint_name) const

Get the source link (parent link) for a joint.

joint_nameThe name of the joint
The source link

◆ getTargetLink()

Link::ConstPtr tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::getTargetLink ( const std::string &  joint_name) const

Get the target link (child link) for a joint.

joint_nameThe name of the joint
The target link

◆ getVertex()

SceneGraph::Vertex tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::getVertex ( const std::string &  name) const

Get the graph vertex by name.

nameThe vertex/link name
Graph Vertex

◆ insertSceneGraph() [1/2]

bool tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::insertSceneGraph ( const tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph scene_graph,
const std::string &  prefix = "" 

Merge a graph into the current graph.

scene_graphConst ref to the graph to be merged (said graph will be copied)
prefixstring Will prepend to every link and joint of the merged graph
Return False if any link or joint name collides with current environment, otherwise True Merge a sub-graph into the current environment, considering that the root of the merged graph is attached to the root of the environment by a fixed joint and no displacement. Every joint and link of the sub-graph will be copied into the environment graph. The prefix argument is meant to allow adding multiple copies of the same sub-graph with different names

◆ insertSceneGraph() [2/2]

bool tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::insertSceneGraph ( const tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph scene_graph,
const tesseract_scene_graph::Joint joint,
const std::string &  prefix = "" 

Merge a graph into the current environment.

scene_graphConst ref to the graph to be merged (said graph will be copied)
jointThe joint that connects current environment with the inserted graph
prefixstring Will prepend to every link and joint of the merged graph
Return False if any link or joint name collides with current environment, otherwise True Merge a sub-graph into the current environment. Every joint and link of the sub-graph will be copied into the environment graph. The prefix argument is meant to allow adding multiple copies of the same sub-graph with different names

◆ isAcyclic()

bool tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::isAcyclic ( ) const

Determine if the graph contains cycles.

True if graph is acyclic (no cycles) otherwise false

◆ isCollisionAllowed()

bool tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::isCollisionAllowed ( const std::string &  link_name1,
const std::string &  link_name2 
) const

Check if two links are allowed to be in collision.

link_name1link name
link_name2link name
True if the two links are allowed to be in collision, otherwise false

◆ isEmpty()

bool tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::isEmpty ( ) const

Check if the graph is empty.

True if empty, otherwise false

◆ isTree()

bool tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::isTree ( ) const

Determine if the graph is a tree.

True if graph is tree otherwise false

◆ load()

template<class Archive >
void tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::load ( Archive &  ar,
const unsigned int  version 

◆ moveJoint()

bool tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::moveJoint ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  parent_link 

Move joint to new parent link.

nameName of the joint to move
parent_linkName of parent link to move to
Returns true if successful, otherwise false.

◆ moveLink()

bool tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::moveLink ( const Joint joint)

Move link defined by provided joint This deletes all inbound joints on the parent link defined by the joint.

jointThe joint defining the link move
Returns true if successful, otherwise false.

◆ operator!=()

bool tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::operator!= ( const SceneGraph rhs) const

◆ operator=() [1/2]

SceneGraph & tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::operator= ( const SceneGraph other)

◆ operator=() [2/2]

SceneGraph & tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::operator= ( SceneGraph &&  other)

◆ operator==()

bool tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::operator== ( const SceneGraph rhs) const

◆ rebuildLinkAndJointMaps()

void tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::rebuildLinkAndJointMaps ( )

The rebuild the link and joint map by extraction information from the graph.

◆ removeAllowedCollision() [1/2]

void tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::removeAllowedCollision ( const std::string &  link_name)

Remove disabled collision for any pair with link_name from allowed collision matrix.

link_nameCollision object name

◆ removeAllowedCollision() [2/2]

void tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::removeAllowedCollision ( const std::string &  link_name1,
const std::string &  link_name2 

Remove disabled collision pair from allowed collision matrix.

link_name1Collision object name
link_name2Collision object name

◆ removeJoint()

bool tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::removeJoint ( const std::string &  name,
bool  recursive = false 

Removes a joint from the graph.

nameName of the joint to be removed
recursiveIf true all children are removed if this this is the only joint of the child link
Return False if a joint does not exists, otherwise true

◆ removeLink()

bool tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::removeLink ( const std::string &  name,
bool  recursive = false 

Removes a link from the graph.

Note: this will remove all inbound and outbound edges

nameName of the link to be removed
recursiveIf true all children are removed if it only has a single joint
Return False if a link does not exists, otherwise true

◆ save()

template<class Archive >
void tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::save ( Archive &  ar,
const unsigned int  version 
) const

◆ saveDOT()

void tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::saveDOT ( const std::string &  path) const

Saves Graph as Graph Description Language (DOT)

pathThe file path

◆ serialize()

template<class Archive >
void tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::serialize ( Archive &  ar,
const unsigned int  version 

◆ setLinkCollisionEnabled()

void tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::setLinkCollisionEnabled ( const std::string &  name,
bool  enabled 

Set whether a link should be considered during collision checking.

enabledTrue if should be considered during collision checking, otherwise false

◆ setLinkVisibility()

void tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::setLinkVisibility ( const std::string &  name,
bool  visibility 

Set a links visibility.

visibilityTrue if should be visible, otherwise false

◆ setName()

void tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::setName ( const std::string &  name)

Sets the graph name.

nameThe name of the graph

◆ setRoot()

bool tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::setRoot ( const std::string &  name)

Sets the root link name (aka. World Coordinate Frame)

nameThe name of the link
Return False if a link does not exists, otherwise true

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ boost::serialization::access

friend class boost::serialization::access

Member Data Documentation

◆ acm_

tesseract_common::AllowedCollisionMatrix::Ptr tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::acm_

◆ joint_map_

std::unordered_map<std::string, std::pair<Joint::Ptr, Edge> > tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::joint_map_

◆ link_map_

std::unordered_map<std::string, std::pair<Link::Ptr, Vertex> > tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::link_map_

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: