Motion Planning Environment
No Matches
Todo List
Class tesseract_collision::ContactResultMap
This should be updated to leverage a object pool for ContactResultVector where in the set and add methods it would check it the pair exists and if not it would pull from the object pool.
Member tesseract_collision::getCollisionObjectPairs (const std::vector< std::string > &active_links, const std::vector< std::string > &static_links, const IsContactAllowedFn &acm=nullptr)
Should this also filter out links without geometry?
Member tesseract_common::ClassLoader::decorate (const std::string &library_name, const std::string &library_directory="")
When support is dropped for 18.04 switch to using boost::dll::shared_library::decorate
Member tesseract_environment::AddLinkCommand::AddLinkCommand (const tesseract_scene_graph::Link &link, const tesseract_scene_graph::Joint &joint, bool replace_allowed=false)
if joint is not fixed we should verify that limits are provided
Member tesseract_environment::Environment::find_tcp_cb_
This needs to be switched to class so it may be serialized
Member tesseract_environment::Environment::is_contact_allowed_fn_
This needs to be switched to class so it may be serialized
Member tesseract_environment::Environment::operator== (const Environment &rhs) const
uncomment after serialized
Member tesseract_environment::ReplaceJointCommand::ReplaceJointCommand (const tesseract_scene_graph::Joint &joint)
check limits
Member tesseract_geometry::PolygonMesh::operator== (const PolygonMesh &rhs) const
Finish PolygonMesh == operator
Member tesseract_geometry::PolygonMesh::serialize (Archive &ar, const unsigned int version)
Serialize mesh materials and textures
Member tesseract_scene_graph::Collision::operator== (const Collision &rhs) const
Make utility to check derived type
Member tesseract_scene_graph::SceneGraph::getJointChildrenNames (const std::vector< std::string > &names) const
Need to create custom visitor so already process joint_names do not get processed again.
Member tesseract_scene_graph::Visual::operator== (const Visual &rhs) const
Make utility to check derived type
Member tesseract_visualization::addCylinder (EntityManager &entity_manager, ignition::msgs::Link &link, long &sub_index, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector3d > &pt1, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector3d > &pt2, const tesseract_scene_graph::Material &material, const Eigen::Vector3d &)
LEVI fix